How to make money

To be honest, selling used panties won’t replace an employment. It will fill up your purse a little, but it won’t pay your bills. Many advanced sellers move on to provide other erotic services, starting from selling their photographs and videos. Some even gave up selling used panties at all. Furthermore, often you’ll have to wait for the money to flow in. The first sells may not work out immediately, it will take some days for the payment to arrive and some time will pass before you gained the trust of potential buyers. Even advanced sellers can’t expect selling a used panty a day.

Like all business people, online used panties sellers need to consider a few money related issues. On an auction website, the buyer will set the final prize, but usually you determine the starting prizes and increments. An increment above $5 may scare a potential customer off. In general, you may expect a prize of $20 for the panties, maybe a bit more or less depending on your service. Take into consideration that you only wear one pair of panties per day, meaning this is your daily income.

To determine the prize, you need to think about your expenses and the profit you want to make. For example, you have to buy panties, maybe you need to pay provision or membership fees on an auctioning website, you may have to pay for your own web domain, and you have to provide postage and packaging. Especially beginners don’t gain as much profit as advanced sellers, simply because they don’t have regular buyers and may want to win people with lower prizes. If regular buyers know and trust you, it’s easier to increase prizes afterwards. Moreover, you may stick to lower prizes to keep up with the competition. The panties’ cost is always included in the end prize. It’s not necessary to buy highly expensive lingerie; panties for a few bucks are perfectly fine. More established sellers usually set their prizes at around $50. Some are cheaper, others even go up to $100, depending on the quality of the panties and extra services. In the end, you’ll need to find your own way. Do some research, try to sell some panties and with time you’ll know how to make the profit you wish for.

Regulations are different from country to country, so you should make sure if the earned money is due to taxation.

Packaging and mailing

After committing your time and energy to go the whole way from photographing, presenting, wearing and selling your used panties, one final step remains: mailing them. As some buyers don’t want the whole world to know about their purchases, you should pack the panties discretely. Let the envelope or box look normal without any sign suggesting a possible sexual related content. Boxes may prevent people from feeling what is inside. Tell your buyer how you will package it or give them different choices.

To be legally covered, you may want to use package tracking or signature on delivery. Doing so, you can proof that the package arrived at its destination. It’s possible to offer these options as additional services and charge for them, but you have to communicate it up front. In this case, also make sure to inform your buyer that if he chooses normal postal delivery, you’re not responsible for the delivery’s success.

Before mailing your used panties, you should consider how to preserve the scent. Possible options are wrapping a piece of wax paper around the gusset or storing the panties in ziplock plastic bags, for example freezer bags. Some advanced sellers use vacuum sealed packages, but that is not necessary. Nonetheless, you should try to get as much air out of the bag as possible as odors may change when they’re exposed to oxygen. Moreover, try to keep the used panties away from moisture and heat as they may change the panties’ feeling and scent.

Winning the trust of the buyers: verification

Most important for a successful business is the contact with potential buyers. Advanced sellers already built up a large pool of regular buyers, but beginners have to win their trust first. Usually, used panty sellers reveal some information about themselves since buyers are interested in them. Nevertheless, don’t publish information you don’t want everyone to know. On the internet people from all around the world are able to access your homepage.

One important feature is to answer your potential buyer’s questions and stay in contact with them. Usually, buyers require verification above that. They want to know that you are real. There are some ways to verify the product. However, verification is not common and normally buyers don’t ask for it. To avoid that a buyer asks for it to get a free picture, you can offer this as an additional and charged service.

Most popular among advanced sellers is the “fan sign verification”. The seller writes the buyer’s (chosen) identity on a sign or on the panty and takes a photo or makes a video of herself writing or holding it. Some take photos or make videos of themselves packaging or even taking off the panties.

Another option is third party verification. Whereas the fan signs provide verification of each panty sold, the third party verification only proves the person’s identity as a used panties seller. Some auctioning websites offer verification and normally ask for first and last name as well as proof of residency. Then they mark the seller as “verified”. There are also other verification services like “Panty Trust”. Sellers have to pay a fee, send a picture of themselves and provide a free pair of panties. Then they are marked as “trusted” and are allowed to refer to the “Panty Trust” in their promotion. Buyers might feel eased when buying from a verified seller, but for sellers it’s always an issue giving away personal information without knowing who has access to them. It’s still possible that buyers demand another form of product verification in addition.

In general, potential buyers simply want to be sure that they get what they buy and that there is an actual and trustworthy person behind the offers.


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